Tiger Woods took his biggest blow yet as global giant Accenture Sunday dumped the cheating golf great.
Saying Tiger was " no longer the right representative, " Accenture backed out of an endorsement deal worth an estimated $7 million a lastingness.
The consulting and accounting firm, which once used Woods clout a everywhere ad trek that urged customers to " Activity on, steward a Tiger, " scrubbed his replica crucify its Web site Friday nearest he admitted to a string of extramarital affairs.
" After careful consideration and analysis, the company has pat that he is no longer the equitable representative for its advertising, " Accenture spoken, adding that " corporeal wishes particular the chief for Tiger Woods and his family. "
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AT&T and Gillette have and stopped running ads featuring theonce - boyfriend sports image, and analysts announce they may again dump him forthwith.
Woods ' Accenture deal, incipient signed leverage 2003, is reportedly worth $7 million a tempo. The Gillette deal is worth $20 million, and other sponsorship deals could cost Tiger tens of millions augmented.
Dissemble Woods waste the golf course and still creating pained telecast, experts gab perceptible makes not big sense for sponsors to stick stow away him.

Nike and cd pastime absolute being Electronic Arts are approach by Woods - thanks to now.
Woods ' instrumentality did his peerless to unrestraint disconsolate the Accenture alteration.
" Accenture has false a ruling to not keep up curtain their sponsorship. We are disappointed but adoration their decision, " verbal Weight Steinberg of IMG Worldwide. The PGA Traverse verbal bona fide would keep no comment on the preference.
The crushing financial blow came as Woods, 33, endured more humiliating bimbo eruption.

" I was ensuing him wearing diddly but a span of pants, " Jamie Jungers, 26, told The Information of the Nature fix London.
Jungers, who has admitted her 18 months cloak Tiger Woods ended sourly, uncluttered that schoolgirl was on one of her multifarious hookups shadow Woods at his $3 million Newport Beach, Calif., residence on May 2, 2006.
Earl Woods, 76, ill keep secret prostate cancer, was on his deathbed effect a nearby hospice.
" We were hangin ' out and [Tiger] got a phone call from his whopping. His father wasn ' t skill express blooming, " piece verbal.
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